James Luceno's "Tarkin" offers a captivating exploration into the origins and psyche of one of Star Wars' most iconic villains, Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin. Set during the tumultuous early y...
James Luceno's "Darth Plagueis" delves into the shrouded origins of Darth Sidious, revealing his apprenticeship to the enigmatic Sith Lord, Plagueis.
James Luceno’s Darth Plagueis plunges readers into the heart of galactic darkness, offering a glimpse into the shadowy world of Sith lore and the enigmatic figure who predates even Darth Sidious....
James Luceno's "Darth Maul: Saboteur" plunges us back into the Star Wars universe, specifically focusing on the cunning Sith apprentice, Darth Maul. This novel, set between "Star Wars: Episode I ? The Phantom Menace"...
James Luceno's "Darth Maul: Saboteur" plunges us back into the Star Wars universe, this time focusing on the embittered Sith Lord Darth Maul in the years following his dramatic defeat at the...
James Luceno's "Cloak of Deception," set between "Attack of the Clones" and "Revenge of the Sith," delves into the murky world of the Clone Wars, focusing on Jedi Master even Piell and his quest to unco...
James Luceno's "Cloak of Deception" plunges readers into a period of galactic turmoil, where the looming threat of war casts a long shadow over the Republic. The novel follows Jedi Master...
James Luceno's "Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel" is a prequel to the critically acclaimed film "Rogue One," delving into the early days of the Rebel Alliance and laying the groundwork fo...